What is this?

Multiple perspectives suggests the consideration of a particular situation or phenomenon from a multiplicity of angles. We can observe a reality with new insight when we actively seek out different points of view. This is as important in our lived experience as it is in our scientific analysis. Multiple perspectives recognizes that any single explanation of an event or process can miss the dynamic complexity and evolution. To truly expand our understanding of any field and to gain the greatest possible insight, we need the ability to take in and to grapple with perspectives that can be difficult to conceptualize, both our own and those of others.

See also: mutual learning, general semantics, gregory bateson, systems thinking, double bind

Climate Crisis: Why Everyone Is Confused - Nora Bateson 6,128

Nora Bateson and Gil Friend: Inner Ecology—Thinking Through the Mess 2,399

Stages & Development Series - ft. Nora Bateson, Maimunah Mosli, Jon Freeman [Mutations Panel 1] 2,047

Nora Bateson Clean Language Conference 2014 Video 1,206

HoloChats Nora Bateson 739

EODF 2018 - Nora Bateson - Keynote Speach and Q&A - Live Stream 666